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    Types of Projects

     We have discussed the meaning of project management and also the purpose. Let us go further and discuss the various types of projects that we might encounter in our different organisations as managers. 

    Types of Projects

    Some of the types include:

    Tangible Projects

    Tangible projects are those projects whose output are tangible and can be seen with the naked eye. They may include the following:

           a civil engineering project

           a hospital building project

           a water borehole project

           an aircraft manufacturing plant

           a milk manufacturing plant

           an urban play ground.

     Intangible Projects

    Intangible projects are those that require commitment of resources but whose output cannot be seen with the naked eye. In most cases, they are social projects and in some cases they may be political projects. Examples of intangible project in Nigeria include the 2007 elections and the national census.

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